Franchise Interviews meets with Wanda Sieber of Unishippers of Green Bay |
We are meeting with Wanda Sieber, Unishippers of Green Bay. Unishippers is focused on just one thing:
helping small and medium-sized businesses save time and money on all their shipping needs. And as the largest reseller of
complete shipping services in the country, we have the buying power to ensure that we succeed. Wanda will tell us about Unishippers
in Green Bay's most recent wellness program and what inspired her to launch this program for her Unishippers staff.
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Unishippers Part 2
In part 2, we are meeting with
Dan Lockwood, President of Unishippers and Chris Cadigan, owner of Unishippers of Oceanside, NY. Unishippers helps small businesses
save time, trouble and money on all their shipping needs. They create a complete, individualized shipping solution for customers
and know that one size definitely doesn't fit all and are proud to tailor their solutions to a business' specific needs. Learn
about this growing industry and franchises that demand aggressive/competent sales people to succeed. They will also talk about
b2b relationships and how to create long term relationships with customers.
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