Franchise Interviews Celebrates 11 years of Podcasting and 550 Shows
Franchise Interviews |

Franchise Interviews celebrates 11 years and 550 shows! |
It is hard
to imagine it was 11 years ago we launched our first podcast. Today, Franchise Interviews is celebrating
our 11th year anniversary and 550th show. This show will feature Marty McDermott, the founder of Franchise Interviews, LLC
as the interviewee discussing the history of the show.
Interviews on this show will be conducted by the amazing Jaime Jay, the popular host of Stop Riding the Pine, the great Elizie
Flenard, host of the popular show Enterprise Now, the popular John Tantillo, AKA the Marketing Doctor and we even play a clip
from our very first show with PB Loco. Click the play button below to listen to the show.